Monday, October 1, 2007


by Andrew Clements (3rd+)

Who knows more about school than someone who’s right there, five days a week, nine months a year? Do you think you know what school is like more than anyone else? Well, Natalie, an aspiring writer, thinks so. She hears that her mom’s publishing company is looking to find and publish stories set in schools. Natalie is inspired to write a novel set in school to practice writing, but when her best friend Zoe reads it, Zoe decides to scheme a plan to get it published. but how can Natalie have her mom read it fairly, without thinking “just a kid” wrote it? So Natalie changes her name on her manuscript and Zoe takes on a new identity to become Natalie’s-I mean Cassandra Day’s-agent. A book agent helps shop around an unpublished book to publishing houses to try to find one that will publish the book. So, does Natalie’s mom even read the manuscript? Does it get published? You’ll want to read The School Story to discover all the crazy ways Zoe and Natalie work to get the manuscript into the right hands—and hopefully to get it published.

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