Wednesday, March 11, 2009


by Paul O. Zelinsky (2nd+)

A young girl is born named Rapunzel but since her father stole an herb from a sorceress’s garden the sorceress comes and steals her away. She is taken into a clearing and locked in a tall tower with no doors and only one window way at the top. The only person to visit is the sorceress who will call for Rapunzel to throw down her long hair so that she may climb up. But when a prince witnesses this one day and does the same thing he marries Rapunzel in the tower. When the sorceress finds out she cuts Rapunzel’s hair and sends her away in order to trick the prince. Will her devious plan work? Will Rapunzel ever see her prince again? Read Paul O. Zelinsky’s Rapunzel to find out.

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